I offer story editing.
I offer inner voice workshops.
I am a developmental editor. This means that I focus on the many elements of story—what is happening with plot and character, with voice and image. I help assess and reassess the structure so that you can refine your container.
If you are a writer with a memoir, novel, play or screenplay, come to me with what you’ve got. I happily work with a minimum of one session, but find that I work with most writers for a minimum of four sessions, or even over the course of many months or years. Whatever your pace, just keep moving. Check out my offerings here.
I am a yoga and meditation instructor who combines journaling with practice. If you are a writer struggling to connect to your inner world, workshops are designed to relax your nervous system, so that inner silence allows the inner voice to be heard. Poses are simple and slow. Journaling prompts are structured for deep reflection. Check out my offerings here.
See: Testimonials